Turquoise was once only worn by kings and queens but now is fashioned into rings, bracelets and other fine jewelry for everyone. There are many different types of turquoise bracelets as following.
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Different types of turquoise bracelet
2010-06-18 08:56:00
Turquoise is an eye-catching gemstone that is highly regarded for its beauty and color. It is found in a full range of shades, from pale turquoise color with green undertones to vivid blue-turquoise shades. Whether it is a simple design or more ornate piece, turquoise jewelry is always exquisite. For centuries, turquoise was once only worn by kings and queens but now is fashioned into rings, bracelets and other fine jewelry for everyone Turquoise is relatively low priced and so it is often used in chunky jewelry of many types, including oversize bracelets. There are many different types of turquoise bracelets as followed:
Turquoise beads are often used to make big chunky turquoise bracelets because turquoise beads can combine with other gemstones or different materials. This can make an amazing combination and looks great with any outfits and occasion.
Turquoise cabochon shapes are often set into large silver bangles. These make great feature stones and allow the turquoise and the silver to work in harmony.
We can use Turquoise charms to make a huge turquoise bracelet with a difference. Turquoise charms are often carved out of blocks of natural turquoise. Shapes such as spheres, crosses, animals and more are readily available and these make a very attractive turquoise bracelet.
Now, you must have a clear knowledge on turquoise bracelet with this article. So pick a turquoise bracelet to run after fashion.
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