If you are familiar to diamond jewelry, you must have known 4C’s. That is clarity, cut, color and carat. Now we will talk about some other principles to identify diamond.
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Diamond identification
2010-06-25 18:36:00
As everyone knows, diamond's quality is really determined by how rare, precious and unique the diamond actually is. Furthermore, if you can identify distinguishing traits that make diamonds different from other gemstone, you will be able to determine whether something is a good deal or just a good faux stone.
1 Look for flaws. Diamond imitation likes cubic zirconia without flaws. Almost all diamonds have at least one interior inclusion that is unique to that stone.
2 Check for sharp corners. Diamonds are very hard because they hold a sharp edge better than almost any other medium, so you can use diamond to cut something. Real diamond is difficult to be wore away the sharp corners.
3 Ask for professional certificate. Diamond certificate will include indications of locations of identifying marks. It is a part of diamond product.
If you have chosen diamond jewelry with these help, you can have your diamond laser engraved. Many jewelers can use a laser to engrave the thin edge of a diamond with a special saying, a serial number or your name.
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