Gemstone has played a more and more important role in people’ life, especially in the aspect of jewelry. When we mention accessories, gemstone occurs in our mind immediately. Agate gemstone, as a representative, draws most people’s attention. Now the next part will offer the meaning of agate gemstone in detail.
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Agate gemstone meaning
2010-07-20 11:19:30
Agate is one of the inexpensive gemstones. We see it most often in our daily life, have you ever wondered the meaning of this beautifully stripped stone? In this passage, we will talk about the agate gemstone meaning from its variety, it basic feature and its healing properties.
Agate deposits are associated with volcanic rocks and are found in almost all the countries of the world. There are various kinds of agate gemstones and their colors rang from milky white, yellow and green to black, and the sizes vary from a few centimeters to tens of centimeters. But most valuable agate gemstones are similar in composition.
Agate features with it stripped pattern. Agate with patterns similar to wild forest moss is known as moss agate, which is highly valued by people of East area. Agate with tree stains and inclusions is called dendrites agate. There are many cases like this. People with imagination can see in the agate stone whole world.
To the spiritual level, agate is associated with healing properties. In ancient Rome agate gemstone was the symbol of the goddess of crops and horticulture, and that is why agate balls are used in garden to protect animals. So agate is an excellent gift to farmers or gardeners. In ancient time it was also believed that agate was blessed by God, and was a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity. Another saying goes that agate amulet can absorb the negative energy and protect the wearer against energy attack. Agates in different colors are endowed with different properties. White and yellow agate is said to reinforce the good in man, promote inner calm and confidence, while black agate is considered as talisman to protect man from evil forces. According to another kind of saying, different agates may benefit different organ of man. For example, blue is connected with thyroid gland, yellow with digestion, and red with vascular system.
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