Quartz is the most abundant mineral on earth. Rose quartz, the state mineral of South Dakota, is mined for decorative purposes, and its value is contingent on how it is used. Rose quartz is a true gem with many special properties.
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Short view on value of rose quartz
2010-07-05 17:17:00
Rose quartz colors range from a soft rose pink to a deep rose color. Rose quartz is one kind of crystal jewelry, Now let’s talk about value of rose quartz.
Jewelry made with rose quartz
Rose quartz is a kind of semiprecious gemstone. It is of cabochon cuts that are convex, rounded and polished without faceting are often used to create jewelry. In mass-produced rose quartz jewelry, it is common that silver or gold used in the setting. As for custom jewelry, the design and creativity of the artist is what commands a high price, at times hundreds of dollars, for rose quartz jewelry.
Interior tiles made from rose crystal
When it comes to interior decoration, the tiles are very important. Tumbled or polished, rose quartz is a striking tile for interior walls and surfaces. Promoted as a gemstone tile, size determines pricing. The tile manufacturing process is the primary cost of goods with rose quartz tiles.
Spirituality of rose quartz
Feng Shui and holistic practitioners are among those who promote rose quartz for its healing properties. It is believed that reduces mental stress and stabilizes mood and emotions. Holistic practitioners associate rose quartz with the fourth chakra, matters of the heart.
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